Request a FREE Wiggly T

If your child is in treatment for cancer (or another, longer term, medical condition), lives in the UK, has a central line, and is age between 0-14yrs then we would love to make a FREE T shirt for them to use during treatment.
Our goal is to gift a Wiggly T to every child in the UK undergoing treatment. To request a Wiggly T, please follow the link below and fill in the form.

Request a T Form:

Step 1 of 5 - Child Information

Child Information

Name (Child or Young person's)(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Spread the word

If Wiggly T has helped your family, we’d love for you to help us spread the word. Please do share and tag us on your social media posts, tell a fellow family in treatment, talk to your clinical and play staff about what we do and ways that they can help us. Follow the link below for ways that you can help us make sure we serve every family who needs us.
We are based in Stroud, UK
Monday - Friday
09:00am - 14:30pm
© 2024 Wiggly T. All rights reserved.

Feedback form

If you have a few minutes to fill in the below form to help us expand and improve what we do, we would be really grateful. Let us know how you feel about the following statements.
Our Wiggly T was a good fit*
We have used our Wiggly T in an MRI
Ideally how many Wiggly T shirts would you want.*